How To Use 'About To'
Hey Guys!
In this post we are going to have a look at how to correctly use about to which is particularly useful when we are talking about the near future or telling stories which occurred in the past.
The most simple way to use the phrase about to is when we are going to do something or something is going to happen in the very near future eg the ceremony is about to begin.

Putting It Into Practice
Alternatively we can also use about to in the past tense, often this is used to talk about something you were going to do however another event prevented you from doing so. Eg “I was about to have dinner when the phone rang.”
Some other examples:
– I woke up just as my alarm was about to go off.
– I was just about to get dressed when someone knocked on the door.
– The united kingdom is about to leave the EU… maybe
I hope that you found this explanation helpful as about to is a very useful phrase in the English language. As always if you have any douts or queries, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below!