Teachify Sevilla
By Jack Perez-Haydock
Inglés en CaixaForum

On Friday we had our first Teachify event at the Caixa Forum! We met with several of our students from companies like Endesa, Tekpymes, Skylife engineering along with all of us Teachifyers: Mickey, Jonathan, Jack and Lewis, for a free English guided tour around the Forum, courtesy of Teachify. The tour was as interactive as it was interesting and provided our students with a great opportunity to practice their English, network and even learn some new vocabulary! So here’s how it went:
«One of the best learning experiences I have ever had. I would recommend this to anyone in Seville «
We all met at 5pm outside the Caixa Forum and after some introductions we headed down to the Forum. Our bubbly guide, Maribel, introduced herself and each gave us an audio device along with a rather snazzy pair of headphones.
With this device we would be able to hear Maribel clearly while she gave the tour in English. Hats off to you Maribel! You were fantastic!
Clases de inglés negocios Sevilla

Another highlight was the music maker, a machine that created music by putting blocks onto a screen in the middle. Each of these blocks had different instrumental sounds on, rotating the cubes would change the sound of the instrument. Unfortunately, despite spending a good 10-15 minutes with the machine we weren’t able to make any hits!
Pincha abajo
After the tour we had a meet and greet with everybody which gave everyone the chance to let their hair down after a long week of work… it was Friday after all! The drinks continued on into the evening with people slowly one by one peeling off heading onto their onwards plans.
Cursos de inglés Sevilla

So all in all, our first event at the Caixa Forum was a great success, here’s hoping to many more! A special thanks to our wonderful guide Maribel for running the tour in English along with everybody else at La Caixa Forum. Another special thanks to Teachifyer Johnathan for organizing the whole thing!