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5 Beauty Related Idioms


5 Beauty Related Idioms

Hi Guys!

As ‘beauty’ is our topic of the month for June we thought that we would share with you some great beauty and appearance related idioms. As always these can be used in a variety of different contexts.

To be Dressed to Kill

To wear elegant clothes.

I have to be dressed to kill at the party tonight, my boss is going to be there.

This idiom dates back to the 1800s and implies that somebody is dressed so well that they could ‘kill’ somebody.

To Have a Face Only a Mother Could Love

To be ugly

He’s a lovely guy, unfortunately he has a face only a mother could love.

The phrase implies that this person is so ugly that the only person who would tell them that they are beautiful would be their mother.

To be all Skin & Bone

To be very thin

When he was released from prison, he was all skin and bone.

The idiom suggests that this person is so thin that they have no fat on them and that they are literally just ‘skin and bone.’

To be Vertically Challenged

To be very short

She’s quite vertically challenged; she can never reach the top shelves.

To be Thin on Top

To lose your hair.

It’s a shame he’s thin on top now, he used to have such a good head of hair.

This idiom refers to the thinning of the hair that usually happens to men as they get older.


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