How do you use 'Though' in a Sentence?

Hi Guys!

Today we are going to be having a look at some different ways that we can use though in a sentence. 

Using 'Though' at the Beginning of a Sentence

Though W don’t usually drink coffee, I have had two cups of coffee today.

We use though at the beginning of a sentence where two opposite or contrasting pieces of information are introduced. In this context the speaker is saying that he doesn’t usually drink coffee so it is unexpected or strange that they have drunk two cups. Another example could be:

Though Malta is a very small island, It’s history is long and rich.


Malta, though small has a long and rich history.

Using 'Though' at the end of a Sentence

Q: Would you like something to eat?

A: I already ate, thanks though!

In the above example we use though similarly to anyway, regardless or nonetheless. We can use it with thanks, usually as a polite way to reject somebody’s offer. For example:

Q: Would you like something to drink?

A: I’ve just had some water, thanks though!


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Using Though in place of but or however

I don’t normally drink coffee, though I’ve had two cups today.

We can use though in the middle of a sentence after a comma like the example above. This shows that something you have said is less true than usual. We can also put though at the end of a sentence to add the same effect. For example:

I don’t normally drink coffee, I’ve had two cups today though.

 I hope you found this blog post helpful, if you have any questions leave a comment below!