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Meet Will, Our Newest Teacher!

Meet Will, Our Newest Teacher!

We are delighted to introduce our newest addition to our Madrid team, Will! Let’s learn a bit more about him.

So Will Tell us a bit About Yourself

Well originally I studied music at Essex university and Brighton Institute of Modern Music because I wanted to be a profesional musician. After my degree I decided that I wanted to learn Spanish and then teach guitar in that language! I therefore decided to do an ESL teacher training course.

After a while I realised that I actually enjoyed teaching English much more tan teaching guitar, so I stuck at it!

So why Madrid?

I chose Madrid because I thought it would be a great city to learn Spanish, teach guitar and eventually teach English.

And What do you Enjoy Doing in Your Free Time?

Other than learning Spanish, I am obsessed with Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, I’ve been practicing it 6 days a week for a year and half now!

What is your top tip for learning a language?

My top learning tip is convert your life/ hobbies to your target language. So if you love watching football, watch football with commentary in that language so you learn vocabulary and get used to the accents. If you read fitness blogs or watch fitness videos online, watch them in your target language! Change your phone to that language!

Try to live in that language as much as possible and take advantage of any tools (mobiles) that are there to help!

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